Scooby doo mystery house game
Scooby doo mystery house game

scooby doo mystery house game

scooby doo mystery house game scooby doo mystery house game

What makes Scooby Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion special? You’ll immediately bring a jilted player back into the action without impacting the gameplay or the story. If a player feels left out, give them a different narrative book to read. This means players stay positively engaged and avoid the negative ramifications of one character getting singled out. But Coded Chronicles distributes narrative responsibility for all of the characters to all of the players. Scooby Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion is a Coded Chronicles game, which iterates on the already well-hewn path of narrative mystery games: the Unlock series, EXIT Boxes, the Adventure Games, and more. But in the end, it didn’t really matter, because you don’t need to be accurate with the placement the standees are mostly just there to remind players which characters are available and which book to read. You fold out the bottom, but they didn’t want to sit flat for us, especially when we were moving them around on the room tiles. Cards can be people (green), journal pages, usable items (blue), and room details (purple).


The “secret envelopes” hide all sorts of items to help you solve the mystery… and the books helpfully tell you how to put away the secret items when you’re all done with them. Some did seem a little far-fetched, while others were clues that we’d already figured out but most were both interesting and helpful. The book text, rooms, and cards reveal just the right amount of information: enough to be engaging without overwhelming us with options. I hear Shaggy’s voice in my head just reading this page.

Scooby doo mystery house game